first time france . 2O19

follow the red links for more information...
along the river

cocktails at the blue door cafe

our vacation neighborhood

strasbourg cathedral . tallest building still standing from the middle ages
142m . 466 ft  .  constructed 1015-1439 ad

book fair!

palais rohan . 1730s . home to three museums

the archaeology museum

from the roman era in the area . 50 bc - 450 ad

early plastic surgery...

back to the cathedral and the clock

the astronomical clock . amazingly accurate and complex
oldest still functioning in the world

always on the correct day, including leap years...

the kammerzell house . 1427 ad

kammerzell house from the side . home of 75 bottle bottom stained glass windows

back to our little home base 💗

the old merchant houses along the river

our haunted alleyway

caution : stand too close to the church and you'll be struck by lightening!

the cheese shop . death by lactose . what a way to go

libere ton coeur, libere toi de tes peurs
liberate your heart, free yourself from fears

can't wait to go back to our street...

fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, hate leads to suffering

restaurant palais de chine . best damn sweet and sour chicken i've ever had
(and i've had a lot)

tout va mieux quand vous et moi sommes ensemble

au revoir jusqu'à la prochaine fois... see you next time...